home is a feeling. home is contentment. it can be found anywhere or with anyone.
special thanks
special thanks to all of the amazing and talented photographers who have shared their art for this edition. a heartfelt special thanks to my family and friends who supported me in this process and who i consider to be my home. i would not as successful or content without the love and reassurance I have received.
this is an old photo of me at home. the colors of the wall have changed. the furniture has moved. the people are older. but i will always think of home as this moment captured in time.
Photographers Featured
Nathaniel Karr
Alyssa Silva
Danny Clark
Bruno Maynez
Maggie Middlebrook
Spencer Kash
Andres Guerra
Jasmine K Lopez Vieyra
America Rojo
Marina Carbo
Julianne Lanternier
Celine Levesque